Sexual abuse in a marriage occurs when one partner forces or coerces the other into unwanted sexual activity. Consent is the foundation of all sexual interactions, and within a marriage, it is no different. When consent is absent, ignored or violated, it constitutes...
DIVORCE – Domestic Violence
The adverse effects of false domestic violence claims in divorce
It is not uncommon for some divorce cases to include domestic violence claims, especially if the abuse is the main reason behind the petition to legally end the marriage. Unfortunately, there are some people who use false accusations of domestic violence to increase...
Divorce and the prevalence of domestic violence
Divorce can be a challenging process on its own. However, when domestic violence occurs, the situation can become even more complex and emotionally draining. It is imperative for those facing domestic violence to understand that they are not alone in their struggles....
Divorce and breaking free from domestic violence
Dealing with domestic violence is an incredibly challenging situation. Finding the courage to get a divorce can be an important step towards reclaiming your life. It is important to recognize the signs of domestic violence, seek support and empower yourself to break...
Ways domestic violence victims can protect themselves in divorce
Divorcing an abusive spouse is a brave and important step towards reclaiming your life. This challenging transition can pave the way for healing and new beginnings. However, before you can completely sever ties with your soon-to-be ex-spouse, you must go through the...
5 signs you should file a domestic violence claim
Domestic violence is a grave issue that affects countless individuals. The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence estimates that 10 million people in the United States experience domestic violence each year. If you find yourself in a situation where you are...
Establishing emotional abuse as a ground for divorce
Emotional abuse is often invisible yet profoundly damaging. It is one of the reasons why some marriages come to an end. Unfortunately, not all emotional abuse victims in marriages have the confidence to proceed with a divorce, worrying that they may not be able to...
The impact of domestic violence in a New Jersey divorce
When there is a history of abuse in a marriage, the divorce process becomes particularly complex and emotional for separating parties. Domestic violence has a significant impact on several aspects of the divorce proceedings, influencing both the process and outcome....
5 ways to prepare for filing a domestic violence lawsuit
Facing a domestic lawsuit is a challenging situation. Knowing what to expect and how to prepare for court proceedings helps you navigate the process more easily. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 33% of women and 25% of men experience some...
5 myths about filing for divorce that involves domestic violence
Divorce, always a challenging process, becomes exponentially more complex when domestic violence enters the equation. Sadly, New Jersey police said that state residents reported over 63,000 domestic violence incidents in 2020, which was a 6% increase from 2019. In New...