Facing a domestic lawsuit is a challenging situation. Knowing what to expect and how to prepare for court proceedings helps you navigate the process more easily. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 33% of women and 25% of men experience some...
DIVORCE – Domestic Violence
5 myths about filing for divorce that involves domestic violence
Divorce, always a challenging process, becomes exponentially more complex when domestic violence enters the equation. Sadly, New Jersey police said that state residents reported over 63,000 domestic violence incidents in 2020, which was a 6% increase from 2019. In New...
5 things to let go of after divorcing an emotional abuser
Divorce is tough, especially from an emotionally abusive relationship. It's tempting to believe that the journey stops at simply moving on, but that's not the case. It is also about letting go of the harmful ties causing past pain and releasing the burdens of past...
How can you argue self-defense in a domestic violence situation?
If you encounter domestic violence, you may not have a choice but to defend yourself. Unfortunately, when you take safety into your own hands, your partner could turn around and claim that you attacked him or her first. If you face allegations of domestic violence,...
What is financial abuse in a marriage?
Domestic abuse is when a person you share a home with uses violence, the threat of violence or different manipulation tactics to exert control over another individual. It is an act of extreme cruelty, which is one of the grounds for a divorce in New Jersey. Financial...
Understanding marital sexual assault in New Jersey
Sexual assault is a grave crime, and New Jersey laws do not give exceptions to married couples. The outdated and wrong belief that a spouse cannot commit sexual assault against their partner has no place here. In New Jersey, the crime of sexual assault applies to all...
False domestic violence accusations during divorce
For many couples, divorce can become one of the most challenging experiences in life. Emotions can spiral out of control, leading to anxiety, depression and anger. Sometimes, people experience domestic violence while ending their marriage, or they want to address...
A domestic violence injunction in your New Jersey divorce
Divorce proceedings can present complex and emotionally challenging situations, particularly when domestic violence is involved. In New Jersey, individuals who have experienced domestic violence may question whether a domestic violence injunction is necessary as part...
Are you a victim of domestic violence?
It may seem as if knowing if you are a victim of domestic violence would be something obvious. However, many people do not recognize they are in a bad situation. As you begin your divorce, it is important to identify if you are suffering from domestic violence as it...
How to obtain evidence of domestic violence
Many domestic violence victims find it difficult to get out of their relationships safely. When dealing with an abuser, the divorce process becomes more daunting because you do not know how your ex will react. To protect yourself, you may want to file charges. What...