When your New Jersey marriage ends, it may be because your one-time partner cheated on you, lied to you or otherwise broke your trust. You may feel understandable animosity toward the person who wronged you. However, it is important that you remain aware of how any animosity or contempt you hold for your partner may trickle down and ultimately affect the well-being of any children the two if you share.
Per Psychology Today, children often feel the effects when their parents have high-conflict relationships. Also, studies show that contentiousness that exists between parents affects children, regardless of whether the parents remain married or divorce.
How parental conflict affects kids
Research shows that when you and your child’s other parent have a contentious relationship, it has the potential to impact everything from your child’s academic performance to his or her ability to find and maintain successful romantic relationships. Your child may also be more prone to behavioral or mental health issues or low self-esteem if there is a high degree of conflict between his or her parents.
How to reduce the strain on your kids
Putting together a parenting plan often helps reduce and prevent conflicts between parents. The plan outlines in clear writing the terms to which you and your child’s other parent agree, making it hard for either side to dispute them. It may also serve your family and children well if you and your child’s other parent come up with a way to address future disagreements that may arise between you.
Figuring out a new outlet or way to manage your own emotions may also help you co-parent with your child’s mother or father.