How can you explain adopting a child to your biological children?

On Behalf of | Dec 24, 2021 | Adoption |

When you decide to adopt a child and bring him or her into your family, one factor that may concern you is how to tell your biological children about this decision. According to Adoption Network, discussing adoption in a way your children can understand usually depends on their age, as this usually affects their ability to comprehend the situation.

If you have older biological children and plan to adopt, mapping out the conversation beforehand may help you to navigate the discussion and allow your children to better understand the changes coming to your household.

Offer adoption media

Explaining adoption is often difficult for one person to explain, so offering your biological children movies or books that help explain the process and reasons behind it may help them to better understand why some other children need homes and how adoption could assist with stabilizing their lives. Watching films with your kids and discussing books may give them greater confidence to ask questions they may not otherwise know how to approach.

Speak with honesty

Once you decide to adopt, speaking to your biological children as honestly as possible may help them feel more secure throughout the process. Younger kids may feel insecure at first and wonder if you want to replace them, but explaining adoption and why you want to open your home and heart to a child in need can assuage these fears.

Finding common ground with an adopted child and your biological children may help them bond more quickly and avoid friction. Continue discussions about the adoption as the process moves ahead and encourage your children to ask questions so they can feel as involved as possible.
